Home ~~~~ UK STONER Births with links to other events ~~~~ Help
Note that apart from those for my direct line I hold few certificates and the information shown is therefore not fully researched
It is meant to be an aid and simply indicates where I would look if following a line
Home ~~~~ UK STONER Births with links to other events ~~~~ Help
Note that apart from those for my direct line I hold few certificates and the information shown is therefore not fully researched
It is meant to be an aid and simply indicates where I would look if following a line
NB22551908 7JackEastbourne2b 68Shepherd727 606.5
B26041920 4JackPortsmouth2b 859Stoner2969
B26371921 1JackReigate2a 396Parnell1417 2211 3142 1832
B27501924 1JackReigate2a 316Chatfield1397.5 2218 3194 1763
B36281955 4JackSurrey SW5g 1184Gibbs2328 2909
B2806192510Jack AlfredPoplar1c 513Orchard1509 1630 1833
B28341926 7Jack CecilBrighton2b 283Roberts1521 2452 3318 1966
B46111991 6Jack CharlesPoole23 0529Larkin3399 4049
NB47461996 8Jack ChristopherWakefieldStoner3606 4196
B47821997 2Jack DanielPeterboroughStoner
B48161998 1Jack David CHaywards HthMarney3566 4152
B47471996 3Jack JordanBostonLoomes
B47161995 9Jack LeeBarnsleyWood3552 3687
B4817199810Jacob BenCrawleyTriggs3354 3694
B4659199311Jacob DanielDoverMissonMNF68 4069
B37141958 1JacquelineSurrey SE5g 1088Wright2363 3226? 2854?
B37211958 4Jacqueline AEastbourne5h 256Llewellyn2399 3478 2886
B40431969 4Jacqueline AnnEastbourne5h 884Lower2777 3499?? 3387?
B3538195110Jacqueline BChatham5b 491Page2299 2935
B33341945 1Jacqueline CHove2b 418Stoner2741
B39821967 4Jacqueline HelenSutton Coldf9c 2098Catten2707 3071
B38941964 1Jacqueline MAldershot6b 152Dee2551
B32051940 1Jacqueline RWitney3a 3366Gibbs1904 2643 1907
B44631986 1Jade DavinaHavering13 0184Clement3313
B48411999 Jade Louise DaisyBournemouthKite3635 3256.5 4096
B45801990 3Jade StephanieYeovil23 1587Hounsell3446
NB44311984 1Jadine JeanCanterbury16 0281Stoner3736
B46901994 4JakeGranthamStoner
B4841.51999 9Jake David JBrentwoodCattermole3561 4189
B45811990 8Jake JamesTower Hamlet14 1260Palmer
B4748199697Jake ThomasCrawleyGregory3553 3767
B47831997 1Jake ThomasCrawleyGregory3553 3767
B25183810JamesHorsham7 312Heasman
B331839 1JamesHorsham7 336Dinnage18
B1051843 1JamesBradfordAllisonIM816 289 1196
B1301844 1JamesHorsham7 41[2]Dinnage18.5 262 IC911
B1401844 7JamesSteyning7 441Kidd11 336.5 505 1138 IC939
NB1561845 7JamesBrighton7 285Hoadley40 437 1486 BB124
B163184510JamesBethnal GreenGrant17 347 980 BB121
B184184610JamesPetworth7 462Dale3 405 IC1594
B2191848 7JamesMidhurst7 448Boxall98.5 398 IC1601
B2331849 1JamesLewes7 459Addison101 IC1694
B2701851 1JamesCuckfield7 383Penfold59 431 1359? BB224
B3051852 7JamesBarnsley9c 102Cooper18 MNF27 860 IC917
B4311857 4JamesBethnal GreenHurstIM543 485? IC862
B441185710JamesE Grinstead2b 106Langridge116 546 1622 IC1685
NB5281861 7JamesBrightonMarner237 742 1678 IC1158
B6011864 1JamesBromyard6a 548-
B6021864 1JamesSteyning2b 276Pierce211 747 1796 IC1023
B618186410JamesReigateFriday222 685.5 BB173
B619186410JamesHorshamAttwater145 743 1869 IC1011
B6281865 1JamesPancras1b 39Rolfe134 636.5 1740 IC1053.5
B6381865 4JamesPetersfield2c 131Shadwell288.5 976 IC1029
B6701866 1JamesSteyning2b 265Roberts90 670 IC1005
B7281868 4JamesBrighton2b 186Hersey244 792 1085 IC1182
B7561869 1JamesMidhurst2b 369Johnson98.7 900 948 1648 IC1602
CB8381871 7JamesCuckfield2b 144Mobsby356 878 1444 MNF45 2161 98
B8541872 1JamesEast Preston2b 360Hooker370 559 51?
B913187310JamesHorsham2b 277Grant336.5 877 1159 140
B1027187610JamesBrighton2b 240Woolven258 933 MNF76 1832? IC1151
B10561877 7JamesChorlton8c 699JacksonMNF27 954 2107 305
B10761878 1JamesCuckfield2b 167Owden338 1093 164
B12551883 1JamesBrighton2b 246Boswell431 2033 270
B13061884 4JamesChelsea1a 347Harrison301 701 IC1090
B15181890 4JamesHorsham2b 296Feist496 1679? 2538?? 468
B17281895 7JamesCamberwell1d 908Fitsall792 1568 2615 728
B1878189810JamesDorking2a 166Dulake812 1431 2411 760
B2071190310JamesCamberwell1d 911Jones704 2087 2667 814
B21191905 1JamesMidhurst2b 378Gardiner948 1705? 2454 756
NB25971920 1JamesPortsmouth2b 1229Smith1283 2071 2755 1592?
B4326197910JamesLincoln7 1953Robertshaw3056 3558?
B31061937 1James AMedway2a 1340Lane
B31241937 7James AWokingham2c 628Staniforth1803 2602 1609
B3785196010James ABuckrose2a 24Breckin2437 2238 2971
B43141979 4James AdrianCuckfield18 1480Cannon2935 3691 3595
B18621898 7James AlfredBrighton2b 195Brown747 1410 2576 602
B4432198410James AndrewTruro21 0134Davies2895 3467
B46911994 4James AnthonyBrightonStoner
B42271975 1James Anthony JLuton9 0775Rawlings3009.5 3306
B28001925 7James ArthurEast Preston2b 525Laker1492 2327 2677 1948
B38951964 1James CHenley6b 1607Goodey2602 3124?
B1501845 4James CharlesShoreditch2 386HurstIM543 95 IC862
NB30421934 4James ConnollyCambridge3b 598ConnollyMNF86 2344
B27201923 4James Cyril WilliamBattle2b 65Forsythe1470 2028 3122 2012
B46341992 3James DanielWorthing18Stoner
B44641986 4James DavidPontefract05 1489Gruibc3244 3847
B2491850 4James EbenezerStepney2 521BarrettIM815 150 IC879
B1469188810James EdwardCuckfieldHarding336 189
CNB19721901 1James EdwardCuckfield2b 155Boniface826 874
B3057193410James EdwardSteyning2b 339Ward2993
B40301969 1James EdwardSutton5e 317Moon2703 3618 3185
B23151910 4James EdwinHorsham2b 291Pelling746 1680 3272.3 884
B27301923 7James Eric LeonardWakefield9c 8Smith1472 2332 2488 1971
NB1359188510James ErnestHackney1b 462Russell523 CW41 382
B45471989 3James FalconHavering13 0172Grosvenor3392 3718
B46601993 5James GeorgePontefractLeake3465 3728
B45151988 6James GwffuddBangor25 0224Slade3359 3472
NB47841997 8James HarveyBristolStoner4176
B3571854 7James HenryBrighton2b 184Allchin151 404 1252 1598
CB5001860 4James HenryGreenwich1d 522Lewin107 MNF3 IC1080
B6291865 1James HenryHorsham2b 279Godsmark266 IC1712
B8291871 4James HenrySt Olave1d 233Adsett334 441 IC1074
B8691872 7James HenryBrighton2b 211Lindfield158 707 1695 IC1047
NB9231874 1James HenryGreenwich1d 857-831 1915 352
B11711880 7James HenryLeeds9b 432Lister488 1043 391
B12031881 7James HenryGreenwichTalleyMNF3 1531.5 1894 500
B16711894 4James HenryBrighton2b 231Nicholls707 1445 869
CB26201920 7James HenryGreenwich1d 1950Cookman1531.5 2715 1203
B28011925 7James HenryGreenwich1b 1389Howick1326 2139 2716 1915
B29711931 7James HenryLeeds North9b 293Heald1658 2437 2616 1542
B2363191110James HerbertHorsham2b 520Wicks1100 1878 2898 1265
B29081929 7James HoraceGreenwich1d 1203Youngman1569 3410 BNF82
B2147190510James IrvingWakefield9c 3Wakefield1015 1698 2204 1247
B40441969 4James JohnCuckfield5h 677Chaston2668 3072
B4612199111James John PCambridge9 0910Marsh3458 4096
B46131991 8James MichaelWorthing18 2056Cripps3338 3825
B4692199495James OliverWakefieldMorgan
B47171995 1James OliverWakefieldMorgan
NB10871878 4James OwenKensington1a 13Wilkes437 983 156
B33751946 7James PLeeds2c 232Newton1914 2478
B914187310James PatrickSt Olave1d 206McMannus388 1028 2175 107
B3751855 4James PetterMidhurst2b 304Stoner655 1652 IC1103
B32941943 7James RMaidstone2a 1989Eyles1880 2746 3198 3200 3411 2359
B48181998 6James RobertDewsburyHepworth
NB1742189510James SharpeThakeham2b 331White689 1385 590
B41361972 4James StuartSalisbury7c 2093Shergold2902 3260
B2666192110James TempestBarnsley9c 417Birchall954 2267 3143 1056
B2561850 7James ThomasBrighton7 316Martin80 200 BB222
B3201853 1James ThomasSt Pancras1b 145Troughton137 189
B2033190210James Thomas AlfredRichmond S2a 429Penfold702 1797 3036 786
B3931856 1James WilliamBrightonStrevens69 BB123
B915187310James WilliamCuckfield2b 144-171 476
B17951897 1James WilliamCuckfield2b 165Selsby664 1451.5 2595? 666
B1351844 4James WoodEcclesfield22 133-IM524 341 1417
B18631898 7James WoodBarnsley9c 284Glover725 949 BNF20??
B4417198310Jamie AndrewKings Lynn10 1558AllenMNF4 3480
B4749199612Jamie CarlCanterburyHardy3468 3810
B43321980 1Jamie LeeDover16 00975Stoner
B38771963 7Jan EHampstead5c 1433Ketelsen2662
B38961964 1Jan EHampstead5c 1423Ketelsen2662
NB5183710JaneHorsham7 279DavisIM568
B191838 7JaneMidhurst7 351DummerIM473 277
B201838 7JaneMidhurst7 348BoxallIM823 216
B791841 7JaneHorsham7 534Dinnage18.5 79 IC911
B1061843 1JaneBoltonCass
B1361844 4JaneHorsham7 386Carter55 462 IC965
B185184610JaneSteyning7 487Kidd11 376 IC939
B2501850 4JaneCuckfield7 367Botting175 BB152
B312185210JaneCamberwell1d 413-449 IC1109
B3321853 7JaneMidhurst2b 282Boxall98.5 207 IC1601
NB3331853 7JaneHorsham2b 215Attwater145 IC1011
B3781855 7JaneThakeham2b 232Elliott154 459 IC1117
B3941856 1JaneHorshamWheatland130 600 IC1003
B4961860 1JaneW Derby8b 412Rimmer60 508 IC866
B6711866 1JaneSteyning2b 269Brown167 IC1039
B7391868 7JaneHorsham2b 274Dale328 2043?? 104
B8191871 1JaneE Grinstead2b 131Potter255 1820 44?
B994187510JaneE Grinstead2b 130Williams426 18
B995187510JaneBasford7b 205Jeffery455 803 301
B10971878 7JaneHorsham2b 321Hills410 901 IC1712
B11281879 7JaneBarnsley9c 192AstburyMNF27 599 305
B11881881 1JaneHorsham2b 330Fiest496 468
B15051890 1JaneCroydon2a 287Pinney582 1229 BNF57
B15791892 1JanePetworth2b 321Talman581 1116?? 429
B2148190510JaneCuckfield2b 127Kitcher996 1081 1112
B44651986 4JaneBrighton18 0029Gosling3072 3616
B12241882 1Jane AnnLanchester10a 304Lee447 934 279
B3486194910Jane EBarnsley2b 18Guyll2126 2278
B37821960 7Jane EBromley5b 273Mundy2967 3270 2217
B99184210Jane ElizabethSt Lukes2 251Ricketts37 256 IC998 IC1044
B2711851 1Jane ElizabethGreenwich5 227Lewin107 177 IC1080
B9361874 4Jane ElizabethBarnsley9c 168Wood341 832 135
NB12561883 1Jane ElizabethWinchester2c 111-
B20381903 1Jane ElizabethCroydon2a 346SwindellMNF6 2303 735
B39831967 4Jane ElizabethIpswich4b 1617Flinn2590 3355 2855
B281185110Jane HannahLeeds23 516Ransley102 352.5 BNF1
B282185110Jane HarriettLambeth4 265Eason110 377 IC1108
B941842 7Jane HillBradford23 110Hill14 271 IC948
B34931950 1Jane MBridgend8b 103Starkey2047 2854 2443
B35901954 1Jane MBrighton5h 31Adams2162 2770
B3587195310Jane M EWorthing5h 510Smyth2201 3060 2657
B8301871 4Jane MariaBrighton2b 241-722
B40751970 7Jane MaureenRochford4a 4038Saunders2836 3457 BNF136
B37151958 1Jane PHorsham5h 451Stoner3271
B37391959 1JanetCuckfield5h 171Day2492 2205 3052
B31511938 4Janet ASurrey Mid E2a 295Nicklin1791 2567 2262
B31971939 7Janet ABrighton2b 408Brunton1777 2637 2328
B3249194110Janet ASurrey SW2a 861Bailey1662 2636 BNF51?
B3882196310Janet BLiverpool S10d 789Hart2524 2708
B35701953 1Janet CGosport6b 381Woodall2071 2880 2597
B33551946 1Janet C MSurrey SE2a 1172Constable1557 2821 2003
B36001954 4Janet DWorthing5h 498Lovesey2260 3127 2846
B3383194610Janet D MHorsham5h 638Silsby1976 3005 2444
B3459194810Janet ECuckfield5h 191Wooding2100 2835 2707
B34121947 4Janet HWorthing5h 722Marchant1790 2888 2324
B3883196310Janet ILeeds2c 553Fenton2646 3191
B34941950 1Janet LStepney5d 747Bruce2251 2940 2660
B3512195010Janet MWorthing5h 502Cook2215 3090 2746
B39301965 4Janet MLeeds2c 752Breckin2437 3633?? 2971
B39221965 1Janet RSurrey NE5g 748Jelf2392 3213 2979
B3734195810JaniceCroydon5g 131Boston2409 3119? 2930
B40761970 7JaniceSutton5e 829Dowden2686 3192
B3564195210Janice AHorsham5h 397Blackwell2313 2971 2658
B31981939 7Janice CPortsmouth2b 912Butler1854 2714.5 2247
B30141933 1Janice MaureenWesthampnett2b 503Youngman1612 2463 2099
B3967196610Jared MauriceWorthing5h 653Ayling2661 3386 3070
B43861982 4JasonTorbay21 2043Stoner
B4152197210Jason GrantCuckfield5h 409Hunter2589 3566 3289
B40611970 1Jason MichaelWorthing5h 1884Turner2841 3652 3432
B41251972 1Jason PaulNottingham3c 1653Brandon2884 3528
B40191968 7Jason PhilipLambeth5d 81VerdysseldonckMNF14 3126
B38371962 7Jayne EYork2d 927Carlisle2476 3181 3048
B41451972 7Jayne ElizabethWakefield2d 1796Withington2615 3083
B2891192810JeanWakefield9c 21Halford1434 2316 1885
B31631938 7JeanEdmonton3a 1436Crossweller1837 2447??
B3384194610JeanLeeds2c 219Barnard1727 2750?? 2053
B3385194610Jean AThanet5b 1450Cutts1953 2481?
B34451948 1Jean ASurrey NE5g 859Fowler2059 2615
NB30901936 4Jean BBrighton2b 286UptonMNF76 2682 1027
B3328194410Jean DWatford3a 1723Stoner2868
B3250194110Jean EHove2b 566Akehurst1895 2577 2400
B32431941 7Jean GSouthampton2c 12Winter1910 2529
B30531934 7Jean HelenCuckfield2b 197Yaldren1656 2494 2011
B28961929 1Jean MagdaleneBrighton2b 342White1527 2237 2814 1926
B2667192110Jean MarieDewsbury9b 999Buckley1399 2144 1812
B30431934 4Jean PatriciaCamberwell1d 916Sullivan1697 2235
B28501927 4Jean RosalindHorsham2b 442Matthews1487 2394 1895
B30441934 4Jean RosinaDeptford1d 993Youngman1569 2464? BNF82
B39531966 4JeanetteEton6a 873GodboldMNF11 2363 3378
B40311969 1JeanetteStaincross2d 693Stoner2811 3310
NB30981936 7Jeanette IStepney1c 364Squibb1796 2480 2540
B7291868 4JeannieStrand1b 570-
B4455198510Jemma LynnTunbridge/W16 2140Stiff3043 3498
B24881916 1Jennie IreneCamberwell1d 1395Stuart1226 1926 1600
B41721973 4Jennie LouiseWorthing5h 1781Godfrey2885 3500
B33761946 7Jennifer ANorwich Outer4b 1196Frost1983 2686
B34231947 7Jennifer ANorwich Outer4b 1207Frost1983 2686
B35271951 4Jennifer AWorthing5h 642Hearn2321 2931 2892
B40451969 4Jennifer JaneBrighton5h 272Coupland2719 3692 3409
B4455.011985 8Jennifer KayBrightonHampton3168? 3694?
B4418198310Jennifer LouiseSandwell33 1183Drayton3143 3688
B32801943 1Jennifer MSurrey SW2a 840Bailey1662 2822? BNF51?
B34951950 1Jennifer MThanet5b 1118Cutts1953 2481?
B4455.021985 4Jenny AnnGravesendColeman3283 3594
B3917196410Jens EHarrow5f 630Ketelsen2662
B36841957 4JeremyHorsham5h 496Johnson2380 3187 2856
B3516195010Jeremy J (S-Jackson)Eastbourne5h 237Tanner
NB4582199010Jermaine LutherEnfield12 0924McDonald3430 3878
NB44901987 4Jermaine TristanWestminster15 2733Thomas
B1981847 4JesseHorsham7 27_Roberts90 381 972 IC1005
B1991847 4JesseLewes7 408Comber24 547 1502 IC1683
B2361849 4JesseCuckfield7 357Mobsby16 804 1479 IC898
B4321857 4JesseNewingtonMann163 475
B4471858 1JesseHorsham2b 252Wheatland130 660 1763 IC1003
B5751863 1JesseHorsham2b 272Harding262 1934 130
NB6301865 1JesseGuildford2a 60Shepard215 843 1309 CW40 IC1099
B6481865 7JesseCuckfield2b 134Wheatland141 678 1658 BNF47
B10571877 7JesseSteyning2b 279Austin375 935 1511 IC1155
B1318188410JesseCuckfield2b 174Tullett547 1346 199
B13361885 4JesseHorsham2b 307Boniface589 1141.5 2148 IC1712
B24451914 7Jesse BozierEast Grinstead2b 245Bozier986 1843 2317 673
B24461914 7Jesse FrankCuckfield2b 264Coman1204 2190 2925 1349
B18541898 4Jesse George AlfredGuildford2a 80Chant843 921 630?
B1616189210Jesse NormanHorsham2b 293Moyler660 1413 1960 447
B2721851 1Jesse ThomasBrighton7 345Francis112
B4842199911Jessica AnnSouthamptonTomaszewski3718 4224
B23391911 1Jessica FrancesDartford2a 630Teall1022 1888 1371
B46361992 7Jessica LouiseBrighton18 0072MorbeyMNF65 3974
B46351992 9Jessica LouiseLiverpool36 0691Bethell3347 3965
B1778189610JessieBasford7b 211Jeffery455 1432 301
B23901912 7JessieBramley9b 476Kirk1083 3272.5?
CNB24641915 1JessieReigate2a 391Tester878 1812 838
B28751928 4JessieBrighton2b 292Levett1593 2113
B21591906 1Jessie AmandaGreenwich1d 1019Harris831 1577 923
B16611894 1Jessie BellaLewes2b 178-2287 772
B8551872 1Jessie Caroline Mary AnnHolborn1b 747Briault387 2266 283
B20241902 7Jessie EvelynToxteth Park8b 171McCorkindale785 1939 407
B561186210Jessie Lilian NightingaleCamberwell1d 513-MNF17 637 BNF22
B1213188110Jessie MarionKingston2a 303Bastow396 1994 201
B731841 4JessyCuckfield7 280LindfieldIM526 104
NB31781939 1JillSt Austell5c 76Bosher
B37491959 4Jill ASurrey NE5g 808Hillman2391 3272 2437
B3130193710Jill DPortsmouth2b 595LongMNF62 2108
B32121940 4Jill DHorsham2b 849Rhodes1861 2556
B39111964 7Jill ESurrey NW5g 1017Stallard2292 2625.3
B38381962 7Jill MBromley5b 203Renfrew2540 3356 2936
B37781960 4Jillian EStepney5d 730Bishop2249 3077 2646
NB20521903 4JimHenley3a 995Jerome670 1661 2566 670
B47181995 6Jimmy Thomas GEnfieldCox3497 4025
B39961967 7Jo KimHillingdon5cHowcroft2730 3546 3327
B26381921 1JoanReigate2a 397Parnell1417 2510?? 1832
B28271926 4JoanRochdale8e 38Kearney1720
B2740192310Joan BessieSouthwark1d 146Bullock1396 2183 1712
B27831925 1Joan DorisHartismere4a 1554Hubbard1451 2184 1711??
B2741192310Joan DorothyBrighton2b 260Kent1452 2128 1900
B32681942 7Joan ESurrey NW2a 812Read1928 2482
B28761928 4Joan EdithW Ham4a 35Probert1576 3014 1689
B26561921 7Joan ElizabethBarnsley9c 425Sharp1053 2304 1183
B24401914 4Joan Elizabeth MaudeBrighton2b 385Fearnhead1087 2009 1204
NB24091913 4Joan Emily CarolineEast Preston2b 576Phillips1174 1476
B27211923 4Joan FrancesW Derby8b 918Barton1458 MNF13 BNF10
B3082193510Joan FriedaBrighton2b 297Novis1706 2487 2325?
B25981920 1Joan HelenHawarden11b 413Walker1284 1986 BNF98
B2807192510Joan HildaGodstone2a 354Westwood1404 2145?? 1840
B27511924 1Joan Ivy EnaWandsworth1d 1038Coombes1453 2088 1911
NB21781906 7Joan KathleenKingston2a 502Stoner949 1098 997
B26971922 7Joan KathleenBrighton2b 307Lester1410 2129 1862
B25081916 4Joan MargaretEpsom2a 24Mardon1153 2010 1301
B2777192410Joan MarieBattle2b 58Forsythe1470 2061 2012
B26051920 4Joan MaryTotnes5b 314Trownson937 2004 BNF18
B28641928 1Joan WinifredDorking2a 330Shurlock1483 2246 1685?
B39121964 7Joanna FSurrey NE5g 761Harvey2599 3387 3247
B44071983 1Joanna LucyBrighton18 0211Brown3140 3710
B4455.031985 7Joanna MariaEastbourneTester3342 2886
B38021961 4Joanna S CBrixworth3b 747Seale2428 3248 2862
B36761957 1JoanneAldershot6b 74Starkey2047 3525 2443
B39231965 1JoanneHemsworth2b 1130Lovely2565 3119
NB4001196710JoanneStaincross2d 623Stoner2811 3310
B41051971 7JoanneEastbourne5h 764Marshall2764 3479 3382
B38081961 7Joanne ESurrey NW5g 979Winder2488 3206
B41831973 7Joanne ElaineCuckfield5h 563Cannon2935 3595
B4112197110Joanne MarieAmounderness10b 114Brogden2755
B43181979 7Joanne MarieGreenwich12 1386Ings3009 3432
B40771970 7Joanne MarySutton5e 850Moon2703 3185
B42671977 1Joanne TracyWellingboro7 3022Shirley2906 3461
B2031847 7JobMidhurst7 407Luff64 123
B45481989 1Jodie LouiseSE Hants20 2221Rowlands3171 3795
B4491198710JoeTunbridge/W16 2320De Kwant
B45831990 1Joel BenjaminThanet16 2307Saunders3314 3638
B101838 1JohnHaslingden21 403MetcalfIM561
B211838 7JohnMidhurst7 348StevensIM540
B351839 4JohnShoreditch2 376HurstIM543 IC862
B411839 7JohnSteyning7 410Kidd11 IC939
B571840 7JohnLambeth4 226Grant17 312 1342 BB121
B61184010JohnEcclesfield22 140Cooper18 MNF8 IC917
B62184010JohnCuckfield7 274WhiteIM556 228 MNF54 1260 BB151
B741841 4JohnLewes7 359Miller329 683?
B751841 4JohnSkipton23 595WildmanIM480 894
B851842 4JohnCuckfield7 304Botting338.5 BB152
B1411844 7JohnSteyning7 439UptonIM536
B1731846 4JohnHorsham7 411-105
B186184610JohnPetworth7 462Dale3 97??? IC1594
B2991852 4JohnBrighton2b 203Strevens69 MNF40 888 BB123
B339185310JohnBradford9b 37Allison47
B4011856 4JohnWorthing2b 277Sharpe119 590 1203 BB8
B4081856 7JohnHorshamEde9 234? BB1?
B5071860 7JohnReigate2a 119Friday222 BB173
B5291861 7JohnPancrasRolfe134 501 IC1053.5
B6491865 7JohnMidhurst2b 335Johnson98.7 756 1990 IC1602
B6501865 7JohnPancras1b 57Jupp34 1214 IC960
B7061867 7JohnShoreditch1c 136Loader312 470 57
NB7811870 1JohnLeeds9b 399Ransley102 716 BNF1
B8311871 4JohnCroydon2a 193Hills254 879 1208 1842 IC1142
B9241874 1JohnHorsham2b 299Wheatland130 784 1895 IC1003
NB9691875 4JohnSt Olave1d 214McMannus388 880 107
B10221876 7JohnKensington1a 142Harrison301 600 IC1090
B11291879 7JohnCuckfield2b 164Harding336 189
B1140187910JohnThorne9c 71_CroftMNF8 1018 1970 61
B1182188010JohnCuckfield2b 162BowlesMNF40 612 299
B13071884 4JohnBradford9b 110Ward573 1102 203.5
B1360188510JohnBrighton2b 226Lower446 734 172
B13851886 7JohnPetworth2b 343Talman581 1253 429
B17291895 7JohnBrighton2b 255Nicholls707 869
CB25501918 4JohnCroydon2a 475Tapp1208 3015 831
B25701919 7JohnMile End1c 527Shears1192 3037 1031
NB27841925 1JohnHammersmith1a 338Hamlyn1746 CW39 2140
CB2892192810JohnCuckfield2b 194AdzittMNF45 2321 3162 838
B2951193010JohnPetworth2b 441Everest3164 2379 3354? 2002
B31791939 1JohnSurrey NE2a 188Fairlamb1797 3354.5 2033
B33991947 1JohnDeptford5c 791Pilgrim1955 2368
B3460194810JohnSurrey SW5g 1070Kempton1702 BNF15?
B36771957 1JohnSurrey SE5g 931Betteridge2211 3239 2637
B43901982 7JohnSutton15 0998Dowden2686 3192
B47851997 6JohnRedditchStoner
B2917192910John AHorsham2b 391Hall1437 2350 3428 1602
B34711949 4John ANottingham3c 409Tilson2185 2882 2590
B3735195810John AStepney5d 762Stoner
B6311865 1John AldertonMidhurst2b 354Alderton111 801 1870
B620186410John AlfredMile EndBays179 BNF33
B1651189310John Arthur Elbert DanielNewport M11a 250Williams605 1373 2364 557
NB32811943 1John BWillesden3a 745Bickers2036 BNF108
B3786196010John BPembroke8c 520Brumby2546 3413 3186
B31521938 4John B(rian)Worthing2b 486Kemp1546 1807 1995
B131838 4John BonifaceHorsham7 338BonnifaceIM814 10?
B32131940 4John CPortsmouth2b 1357LongMNF62 2108
B3884196310John CHitchin4b 336Ringwood2612 3547 2769?
B15061890 1John CharlesW Ham4a 54Type597 1269 1556 513
B21791906 7John CharlesSculcoates9d 230Newton1018 1594 2149 1140
B40961971 4John CharlesWayland4b 3511Fagg2689 3635 3458 3285
B36541956 1John DPortsmouth6b 633Hearn2321 3189 2892
B30201933 4John DavidBrighton2b 246White1527 2638 3343 1926
B28651928 1John DawsonBrighton2b 293Bull1523 2454 3333 1656
B30281933 7John DillworthWirral8a 576Robinson1526 1599
B466185810John DousberyMile End1c 550Bays179 269 BNF33
B29581931 1John DudleyHollingbourn2a 1499Sherratt1591 2367 3291 1852
B283185110John EdwardSt Lukes2 324Ricketts37 387 850 IC998 IC1044
CB1743189510John EdwardGreenwich1d 1080TalleyMNF3 1374 2338 500
B29721931 7John Eric AlbertWestbourne2b 578Powell1549 2568? 3483 1811?
B9611875 1John EverardBrighton2b 204Stoner286 519 33.2?
B36951957 7John FLeeds2c 573Cockfield2499 3226.5 3005
B34241947 7John F EIslington5c 1722Hogg1881 2783 2624
B25651919 4John Fabian BuckwellWandsworth1d 764Mardon1153 2104.5 3163 1301
B23551911 7John ForsterHunslet9b 849Forster1051 1782 2181 2373 1410
B2980193110John FramptonWestbourne2b 519Frampton1668 2448 3353 2109
B9791875 7John Frank AlbertBrighton2b 199Batty424 929 2092 230
B22161907 7John FrederickRochford4a 743Amos973.5 1900 2942 1179
B30291933 7John FrederickBrighton2b 313Novis1706 2607 3229 2325?
B8631872 4John GeorgeHalifax9a 452Roberts
B12671883 4John George BurtonMile End1c 495Young568 1145 CW34 214
B15071890 1John GodboldBethnal Green1c 273Godbold611 771 568
B34131947 4John HBrighton5h 234Vincent2209 2780
B7821870 1John HanrahanKensington1a 157-
B41841973 7John HaroldLittleboro10d 198Taylor2694? 3012?
B1911847 1John HenryBrighton7 333Sendells78 331 1310 IC987
B4531858 4John HenryGreenwich1d 508Lewin107 IC1080
B10441877 4John HenryLanchester10a 339Lee447 930 1026 1315 279
B10771878 1John HenryHorsham2b 323Sayers559.5
B2456191410John HenryLanchester10a 693Corr1026 3099 1044
B2480191510John HenrySteyning2b 379Suskin1088 2072 3011 3016 1169
B21261905 4John HerbertEastbourne2b 67Silverson943 1076 1010
CNB861842 4John HollingdaleLewes7 385-
B34721949 4John HowardManchester10e 541Watson2219 3359 BNF117
NB30861936 1John JBromley2a 982Diver1648 2511 2715 MNF92 3081 3333 3388 3257 1485
B4113197110John JamesLeeds2c 609Hopson2875
B19081899 7John James WisemanWakefield9c 19Wiseman802 1291 847
NB30651935 1John KSwaffham4b 394Worby1361 2505 3360 1764
B4153197210John KennethGreenwich5b 1144SimmonsMNF44 3742 3548
B13081884 4John LeonardBrighton2b 243Stevens580 1186 2310 467
B2461850 1John LewisSt Geo Han Sq1 22WyburdMNF22 902 IC891
B3230194010John MBrighton2b 464Loveland1825 2698 3318.3 2295?
B36961957 7John MCuckfield5h 192Naiff2481 3015
NB25711919 7John MichaelSteyning2b 380Ginder1351 2305 1454
B30151933 1John MichaelCuckfield2b 193Medhurst1646 2481 2144 2151
CB33.21839 1John NathanCuckfield7 277BonifaceIM814 286 1282 IC890
B7701869 7John NathanBrighton2b 228Stoner286 423 33.2?
B26571921 7John NormanSteyning2b 488Kitcher996 2201 3414 3244 1112
B33561946 1John PSutton Coldf'd6d 1100Heywood2115 3024 2765
B3642195510John PEastbourne5h 215Llewellyn2399 3694 2886
B38971964 1John PSurrey SE5g 1336Miller2538 3004
B43331980 1John PaulHereford29 0433Gladwyn3078 3719
B467185810John PhilipBrighton2b 157Hoadley40 580 1513 1480 BB124
B30721935 4John RCuckfield2b 206Ashdown1531 2668? 1998
B35341951 7John RBrighton5h 137Fleming2026 2618?
B35351951 7John RLambeth5c 1785Sullivan1697 3344 2235
B36011954 4John RFakenham4b 673Woolbert
B3819196110John RWare4b 470Mundy2967 2217
B38391962 7John RHorsham5h 567Whalley2514.6 3033
B33571946 1John R (aka Jack)Cheltenham6a 654Lord1943 3333.5 3387 3388 2305
B47501996 4John RobertLeedsStoner
B3438194710John RonaldSalisbury7c 587Scriven2194 3212 2767
CNB14761889 1John SharpeEast Preston2b 346Norris590 1174 401
NB8561872 1John StonerSteyning2b 283Sellins394 314
NB20391903 1John SydneyLambeth1d 340Cox880 969
B1311844 1John ThomasSkipton23 599Stockdale50 BNF43
B3058193410John TrevorBrighton2b 325Williams1407? 2531 3258 1684
B660186510John WaltonBradford9b 61Walton268 686 1336 55
B23251910 7John WardenSteyning2b 255Tizzard863 1706 2539 926
B1690189410John WaudeBarnsley9c 213Bywater552 861 456
NB562186210John WilliamLeeds9b 345Nixon164 MNF75 BB221
B6391865 4John WilliamLambeth1d 301White269 656 MNF43 1439 83
B14101887 4John WilliamLeeds9b 419Needham570 1051 2257?? 2270 565
B18551898 4John WilliamUckfield2b 114Wilson844 936
B41981974 1John WilliamWandsworth5e 1468Rogerson2817 3408
B45841990 5Johnathon Edward HGreenwich12 1406Stoner or Hurrell4086
B48431999 2Johnny LeviLiverpoolDash
B468185810JonathanHorsham2b 226Dinnage18.5 496 1766 IC911
B4154197210Jonathan EdwardWakefield2d 1489Stoner3567
B2981193110Jonathan FrankEast Preston2b 460Laker1492 2621 3091 3347.8 1948
B46141991 1Jonathan JeremyHorsham18 1796Jones3086 3606
B11121879 1Jonathan JohnHorsham2b 327Feist496 996 2390 468
B3764195910Jonathan M SNorthampton3b 810Seale2428 2862
B43601981 1Jonathan MartinChelmsford9 2713Fennings2911 3367
B4433198411Jonathan MatthewHereford29 0410Holland3163 3672
B46931994 8Jonathan PatrickWorksopSmith3512 4085
B4786199712Jonathan PaulOxfordGibbons3426 3832
B4191197310Jonathan PhillipLeeds2c 968Armitage2918 3522
B42511976 4Jonathan RoyCuckfield18 1059Cannon2935 3595
B45161988 1Jonathan Simon CBrighton18 0273Upperton3303
B48732000 1Jordan Paul PKing's LynnDean3624 4157
B45171988 4Jordan PhilipCrawley18 1291Jones3086 3606
B46941994 8Jordan ReeceBasingstokeConstantinides3886
B48441999 3Jordan TyroneColchesterRear4248?
B100184210JosephWakefield22 625MetcalfIM561 300 644
B262185010JosephBarnsleyCooper18 IC917
B2901852 1JosephOrmskirk8b 512Rimmer60 469 1669 IC866
B2911852 1JosephGreenwich1d 494McCarthy
NB6841866 7JosephHorsham2b 255Attwater145 IC1011
B7211868 1JosephPancras1b 54Rolfe134 903 IC1053.5
B1065187710JosephWakefield9c 24Peel300 845 2044 100
B12781883 7JosephLiverpool8b 53Landon469 673 290
B1536189010JosephW Derby8b 305Seddon705 812 538
B16291893 4JosephWakefield9c 13Brooks743.5 1233 2262 797
B18191897 7JosephPancras1b 124Dobson554 1499 2297 2298 516.5
B1961190010JosephWhitechapel1c 239SormanMNF50
B21691906 4JosephLanchester10a 386Corr1026 2288 1044
B2187190610JosephWakefield9c 3Birchall954 1889 2778 1056
B29331930 4JosephPontefract9c 262Scott1394 2506 1828
B10341877 1Joseph CharlesSt Olave1d 225McMannus388 997 2111 107
B6101864 4Joseph HenryMedway2a 392Sharp
B1361188510Joseph HenryLeeds9b 423Needham570 711 565
B222184810Joseph SamuelStepney2 4_9BarrettIM815 528? 1208 IC879
B62.5184010Joseph ThomasLambeth4 277BarrettIM815 47 IC879
B5521862 7Joseph WilliamGreenwich1d 575Lewin107 IC1080
B46951994 1Joseph William JSalisburyLiddon3627 3095
NB21601906 1Josephine AnnieSteyning2b 287Winstanley862 2716?? 1102
B3329194410Josephine ESheffield9c 550Hall2065? 1889 2563?
B2778192410Josephine EllenReigate2a 310Knight1485 2169 1638
B28841928 7Josephine MargaretReigate2a 350Woodman1503 2306 1660
CB361839 4JoshuaHorsham7 346Boniface
B7831870 1JoshuaBradford9b 73Walton268 757 55
B805187010JoshuaMacclesfield8a 97Nixon164 1019 1821 BB221
NB43871982 4Joshua GeneCanterbury16 0300Stoner3736
B47511996 7Joshua LukeSouthamptonStoner
B4819199812Joshua OliverSouthamptonStoner
B46371992 5Joshua RossThanet16 2222Saunders3314 3638
B36171955 1Joy CMiddleton10e 709Watson2219 3012 BNF117
B22441908 4JoyceKingston2a 516Stoner949 1672 997
B2704192210JoyceHorsham2b 422Hall1437 3164 1602
B3851196210Joyce BBrighton5h 121Paine2607 3273 3029
NB3131193710Joyce ESwaffham4b 397Howard1865 2518 2460
B27221923 4Joyce EnaCamberwell1d 1386Stuart1226 2029 1600
B25721919 7Joyce EvaCuckfield2b 205Leeves1280 2040 1530
B26871922 4Joyce EvelynW Ham4a 314Laws1269 2051 1506
B29401930 7Joyce IvySouthwark1d 101Bullock1396 2449 1712
B3008193210Joyce JosephineBattersea1d 493Wakley1663 2247 2044
B27851925 1Joyce MaryHorsham2b 439Smith1473 2170 1688
B2839192610Joyce PatriciaSteyning2b 334White1527 2268 1926
B2297190910Joyce WinifredBrighton2b 174Jones814 1890 919
B3439194710Judith ABarnsley2b 17Guyll2126 2941 2278
B3669195610Judith AWorthing5h 447Knowles2310 3360.5 2749
B35361951 7Judith MAldershot6b 21Thorne2179 MNF77 2463
B2571850 7JuliaPetworth7 484Dale3 449 IC1594
B1107187810JuliaKing's N6c 479Allengame359 571 200
B32061940 1JuliaTonbridge2a 2565Smart1756 1871 2217
B7901870 4Julia AliceHorsham2b 293Godsmark266 663.5 IC1712
B33771946 7Julia BPlymouth7a 869Studley2134 2914 2010
B953187410Julia ElizabethGodstone2a 172Potter255 1132 44
B8201871 1Julia HenriettaCuckfield2b 153Murrell171 718 BB170
B4192197310Julia MichelleChelmsford4a 2162Fennings2911 3653 3367
B39491966 1Julian BrettRedbridge5d 1384Widlake2381 2680
B3035193310JulieWestbourne2b 506Frampton1668 2495 2109
B3614195410JulieWorthing5h 519Sanders1990 3355? 2584
B3820196110JulieHemsworth2b 981Lovely2565 3119
B4155197210JulieWorthing5h 1541Upton2806 3434?
NB3643195510Julie ACroydon5g 92StonerMNF71 2764
B39041964 4Julie AHorsham5h 677Hobgen2614 3480 3153
B39241965 1Julie ASouthampton6b 1351Earwicker2672 3637 3049
B40901971 1Julie AnnNottingham3c 1941Hollingsworth2882 3638? 3471
B39611966 7Julie CarolTonbridge5h 1136Brown2640 3504 3097
B43611981 1Julie CatherinePortsmouth20 0651O'Shea3058 2905
B35911954 1Julie DSidcup5b 961Wood2120 3231 2735
B4434198410Julie DianeTunbridge/W16 2076Chambers3157 3630
B35771953 4Julie EMidhurst5h 471Fossati2343 2942 2899
B41991974 1JulietteTonbridge5f 2260Shepley2852 3354
B28851928 7June IreneW Ham4a 462Hawkins1522 2248 1775
B29961932 4June MargaretPortsmouth2b 756Coombes1453? 1623 1911?
NB34141947 4June PBrighton5h 225Stoner2193 2910
B4298197810JustinOxford20 2664Gibbons2921 3483
B4193197310Justin BruceBrighton5h 273Meeds2772.5 3695 3292
B42001974 1Justina AnnetteGosport6b 1057Selling2974 3595 3656